
Caution: The master branch is under heavy development. Use releases instead of the master branch to get stable software.


  • Logging operator requires Kubernetes v1.22.x or later.
  • For the Helm-based installation you need Helm v3.8.1 or later.

With the 4.3.0 release, the chart is now distributed through an OCI registry.
For instructions on how to interact with OCI registries, please take a look at Use OCI-based registries. For instructions on installing the previous 4.2.3 version, see Installation for 4.2.

Deploy Logging operator with Helm


To install the Logging operator using Helm, complete the following steps.

Note: You need Helm v3.8 or later to be able to install the chart from an OCI registry.

  1. Install the Logging operator into the logging namespace:

    helm upgrade --install --wait --create-namespace --namespace logging logging-operator oci://

    Expected output:

    Release "logging-operator" does not exist. Installing it now.
    Digest: sha256:c2ece861f66a3a2cb9788e7ca39a267898bb5629dc98429daa8f88d7acf76840
    NAME: logging-operator
    LAST DEPLOYED: Wed Aug  9 11:02:12 2023
    NAMESPACE: logging
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None


    • Helm has a known issue in version 3.13.0 that requires users to log in to the registry, even though the repo is public.

      Upgrade to 3.13.1 or higher to avoid having to log in, see:

    • If you’re installing the Helm chart from Terraform, reference the repository as repository = "oci://" (without the logging-operator suffix). Otherwise, you’ll get a 403 Forbidden error.

    Note: By default, the Logging operator Helm chart doesn’t install the logging resource. If you want to install it with Helm, set the logging.enabled value to true.

    For details on customizing the installation, see the Helm chart values.

Operator arguments

Metrics and Performance

  • --metrics-addr (string, default :8080): Address for metric endpoint
  • --pprof (boolean, default false): Enable performance profiling

Logging Configuration

  • --verbose (boolean, default false): Enable verbose logging
  • --klogLevel (integer, default 0): Global log level for klog (0-9)
  • --output-format (string, default ""): Logging output format (json or console)

Resource Watching

  • --watch-namespace (string, default ""): Filter watched objects by namespace
  • --watch-logging-name (string, default ""): Filter objects by logging resource name
  • --watch-labeled-children (boolean, default false): Watch child resources only with logging operator’s name label ( fluentd|fluentbit|syslog-ng)
  • --watch-labeled-secrets (boolean, default false): Watch secrets only with enabled label

Note on Combinations:

  • If watch-namespace is set, it narrows the scope for ALL watched resources
  • watch-logging-name and watch-labeled-children can be combined to further restrict child resource watching
  • watch-labeled-children and watch-labeled-secrets apply independent label filters
  • Using multiple filters creates an increasingly restrictive watch scope
  • Most restrictive scenario: All three flags set will significantly limit the operator’s resource visibility

Controller Management

  • --enable-leader-election (boolean, default false): Ensure only one active controller manager
  • --finalizer-cleanup (boolean, default false): Remove finalizers during operator shutdown, useful for Helm uninstallation
  • --enable-telemetry-controller-route (boolean, default false): Enable Telemetry Controller routing for Logging resources
  • --sync-period (string, default ""): Minimum frequency for reconciling watched resources, for example, 30s, or 2h45m. Valid time units are “ms”, “s”, “m”, “h”.

To add arguments with Helm you can use the extraArgs field e.g:

helm install logging-operator ./charts/logging-operator/ --set extraArgs='{"-enable-leader-election=true","-enable-telemetry-controller-route"}'

Validate the deployment

To verify that the installation was successful, complete the following steps.

  1. Check the status of the pods. You should see a new logging-operator pod.

    kubectl -n logging get pods

    Expected output:

    NAME                                READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    logging-operator-5df66b87c9-wgsdf   1/1     Running   0          21s
  2. Check the CRDs. You should see the following five new CRDs.

    kubectl get crd

    Expected output:

    NAME                                    CREATED AT              2023-08-10T12:05:04Z            2023-08-10T12:05:04Z   2023-08-10T12:05:04Z                     2023-08-10T12:05:04Z           2023-08-10T12:05:04Z    2023-08-10T12:05:04Z                  2023-08-10T12:05:05Z                2023-08-10T12:05:05Z                   2023-08-10T12:05:05Z      2023-08-10T12:05:05Z    2023-08-10T12:05:05Z             2023-08-10T12:05:05Z           2023-08-10T12:05:06Z

Image and chart verification

Images and charts are signed with GitHub Actions OIDC token. We sign the digests of the images and the charts to ensure the integrity and authenticity of the artifacts.

To verify signatures, you must have cosign installed.

Image verification

You can verify our images by running the following command.

cosign verify "{sha256-IMAGE-DIGEST}" \ 
--certificate-identity "{refs/heads/main || refs/tags/<tag_name>}" \ 
--certificate-oidc-issuer ""
  • Replace {sha256-IMAGE-DIGEST} with the digest of the image you want to verify. You can find the digests at For example, for the 4.11.0 release it’s sha256:50550883905ffe484f210ae65a8e0dbcbc0836c240b1fec454945d8b97830ede.
  • Replace {refs/heads/main || refs/tags/<tag_name>} with the reference to the image you want to verify. For example, for the 4.11.0 release, use refs/tags/4.11.0.

For example:

cosign verify "" \
    --certificate-identity "" \
    --certificate-oidc-issuer ""

Chart verification

You can verify our charts by running the following command.

cosign verify "{sha256-CHART-DIGEST}" \ 
--certificate-identity "{refs/heads/main || refs/tags/<tag_name>}" \ 
--certificate-oidc-issuer ""
  • Replace {sha256-CHART-DIGEST} with the digest of the image you want to verify. You can find the digests at For example, for the 4.11.0 release it’s sha256:233407195e1c97382e7fc0dfb00f9c6cadbba2928a64bfce6be072fc37df20eb.
  • Replace {refs/heads/main || refs/tags/<tag_name>} with the reference to the image you want to verify. For example, for the 4.11.0 release, use refs/tags/4.11.0.

For example:

cosign verify "" \
    --certificate-identity "" \
    --certificate-oidc-issuer ""