
Flow examples

The following examples show some simple flows. For more examples that use filters, see Filter examples in Flows.

Flow with a single output

This Flow sends every message with the app: nginx label to the output called forward-output-sample.

Flow with multiple outputs

This Flow sends every message with the app: nginx label to the gcs-output-sample and s3-output-example outputs.

Logging examples

Simple Logging definition with default values.

Logging with TLS

Simple Logging definition with TLS encryption enabled.

Output examples

Simple file output

Defines a file output with timestamped log files.

Drop messages into dev/null output

Creates a dev/null output that can be the destination of messages you want to drop explicitly.


Messages sent to this output are irrevocably lost forever.

S3 output

Defines an Amazon S3 output to store your logs in a bucket.

GCS output

Defines a Google Cloud Storage output to store your logs.