FluentbitAgent is the Schema for the loggings API
(metav1.TypeMeta, required)
metadata (metav1.ObjectMeta, optional)
spec (FluentbitSpec, optional)
status (FluentbitStatus, optional)
FluentbitAgentList contains a list of FluentbitAgent
(metav1.TypeMeta, required)
metadata (metav1.ListMeta, optional)
items ([]FluentbitAgent, required)
FluentbitSpec defines the desired state of FluentbitAgent
affinity (*corev1.Affinity, optional)
annotations (map[string]string, optional)
bufferStorage (BufferStorage, optional)
bufferStorageVolume (volume.KubernetesVolume, optional)
bufferVolumeArgs ([]string, optional)
bufferVolumeImage (ImageSpec, optional)
bufferVolumeLivenessProbe (*corev1.Probe, optional)
bufferVolumeMetrics (*Metrics, optional)
bufferVolumeResources (corev1.ResourceRequirements, optional)
configHotReload (*HotReload, optional)
coroStackSize (int32, optional)
Set the coroutines stack size in bytes. The value must be greater than the page size of the running system. Don’t set too small value (say 4096), or coroutine threads can overrun the stack buffer. Do not change the default value of this parameter unless you know what you are doing. (default: 24576)
Default: 24576
customConfigSecret (string, optional)
customParsers (string, optional)
Available in Logging operator version 4.2 and later. Specify a custom parser file to load in addition to the default parsers file. It must be a valid key in the configmap specified by customConfig.
The following example defines a Fluentd parser that places the parsed containerd log messages into the log
field instead of the message
apiVersion: logging.banzaicloud.io/v1beta1
kind: FluentbitAgent
name: containerd
Parser: cri-log-key
# Parser that populates `log` instead of `message` to enable the Kubernetes filter's Merge_Log feature to work
# Mind the indentation, otherwise Fluent Bit will parse the whole message into the `log` key
customParsers: |
Name cri-log-key
Format regex
Regex ^(?<time>[^ ]+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr) (?<logtag>[^ ]*) (?<log>.*)$
Time_Key time
Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z
# Required key remap if one wants to rely on the existing auto-detected log key in the fluentd parser and concat filter otherwise should be omitted
- rules:
- Rename:
key: log
value: message
dnsConfig (*corev1.PodDNSConfig, optional)
dnsPolicy (corev1.DNSPolicy, optional)
daemonsetAnnotations (map[string]string, optional)
disableKubernetesFilter (*bool, optional)
Disable Kubernetes metadata filter
enableUpstream (bool, optional)
enabledIPv6 (bool, optional)
envVars ([]corev1.EnvVar, optional)
extraVolumeMounts ([]*VolumeMount, optional)
filterAws (*FilterAws, optional)
filterKubernetes (FilterKubernetes, optional)
Parameters for Kubernetes metadata filter
filterModify ([]FilterModify, optional)
flush (int32, optional)
Set the flush time in seconds.nanoseconds. The engine loop uses a Flush timeout to define when is required to flush the records ingested by input plugins through the defined output plugins. (default: 1)
Default: 1
forceHotReloadAfterGrace (bool, optional)
HotReload pauses all inputs and waits until they finish. In certain situations this is unacceptable, for example, if an output is down for a longer time. An undocumented option called “Hot_Reload.Ensure_Thread_Safety Off” can be used at the [SERVICE] config to force hotreload after the grace period. Note that it might result in a SIGSEGV, but worst case kubelet will restart the container. See https://github.com/fluent/fluent-bit/pull/7509
forwardOptions (*ForwardOptions, optional)
grace (int32, optional)
Set the grace time in seconds as Integer value. The engine loop uses a Grace timeout to define wait time on exit.
Default: 5
healthCheck (*HealthCheck, optional)
Available in Logging operator version 4.4 and later.
HostNetwork (bool, optional)
image (ImageSpec, optional)
inputTail (InputTail, optional)
labels (map[string]string, optional)
livenessDefaultCheck (bool, optional)
livenessProbe (*corev1.Probe, optional)
logLevel (string, optional)
Set the logging verbosity level. Allowed values are: error, warn, info, debug and trace. Values are accumulative, e.g: if ‘debug’ is set, it will include error, warning, info and debug. Note that trace mode is only available if Fluent Bit was built with the WITH_TRACE option enabled.
Default: info
loggingRef (string, optional)
metrics (*Metrics, optional)
mountPath (string, optional)
network (*FluentbitNetwork, optional)
nodeSelector (map[string]string, optional)
parser (string, optional)
Deprecated, use inputTail.parser
podPriorityClassName (string, optional)
position_db (*volume.KubernetesVolume, optional)
Deprecated, use positiondb
positiondb (volume.KubernetesVolume, optional)
readinessProbe (*corev1.Probe, optional)
resources (corev1.ResourceRequirements, optional)
security (*Security, optional)
serviceAccount (*typeoverride.ServiceAccount, optional)
syslogng_output (*FluentbitTCPOutput, optional)
tls (*FluentbitTLS, optional)
targetHost (string, optional)
targetPort (int32, optional)
tolerations ([]corev1.Toleration, optional)
updateStrategy (appsv1.DaemonSetUpdateStrategy, optional)
FluentbitStatus defines the resource status for FluentbitAgent
FluentbitTLS defines the TLS configs
enabled (*bool, required)
secretName (string, optional)
sharedKey (string, optional)
FluentbitTCPOutput defines the TLS configs
json_date_format (string, optional)
Default: iso8601
json_date_key (string, optional)
Default: ts
Retry_Limit (string, optional)
Available in Logging operator version 4.8 and later.
Workers (*int, optional)
Available in Logging operator version 4.4 and later.
FluentbitNetwork defines network configuration for fluentbit
connectTimeout (*uint32, optional)
Sets the timeout for connecting to an upstream
Default: 10
connectTimeoutLogError (*bool, optional)
On connection timeout, specify if it should log an error. When disabled, the timeout is logged as a debug message
Default: true
dnsMode (string, optional)
Sets the primary transport layer protocol used by the asynchronous DNS resolver for connections established
Default: UDP, UDP or TCP
dnsPreferIpv4 (*bool, optional)
Prioritize IPv4 DNS results when trying to establish a connection
Default: false
dnsResolver (string, optional)
Select the primary DNS resolver type
keepalive (*bool, optional)
Whether or not TCP keepalive is used for the upstream connection
Default: true
keepaliveIdleTimeout (*uint32, optional)
How long in seconds a TCP keepalive connection can be idle before being recycled
Default: 30
keepaliveMaxRecycle (*uint32, optional)
How many times a TCP keepalive connection can be used before being recycled
Default: 0, disabled
maxWorkerConnections (int, optional)
Set maximum number of TCP connections that can be established per worker.
Default: 0, unlimited
sourceAddress (string, optional)
Specify network address (interface) to use for connection and data traffic.
Default: disabled
BufferStorage is the Service Section Configuration of fluent-bit
storage.backlog.mem_limit (string, optional)
If storage.path is set, Fluent Bit will look for data chunks that were not delivered and are still in the storage layer, these are called backlog data. This option configure a hint of maximum value of memory to use when processing these records.
Default: 5M
storage.checksum (string, optional)
Enable the data integrity check when writing and reading data from the filesystem. The storage layer uses the CRC32 algorithm.
Default: Off
storage.delete_irrecoverable_chunks (string, optional)
When enabled, irrecoverable chunks will be deleted during runtime, and any other irrecoverable chunk located in the configured storage path directory will be deleted when Fluent Bit starts.
Default: Off
storage.max_chunks_up (int, optional)
If the input plugin has enabled filesystem storage type, this property sets the maximum number of Chunks that can be up in memory. This is the setting to use to control memory usage when you enable storage.type filesystem.
Default: 128
storage.metrics (string, optional)
Available in Logging operator version 4.4 and later. If the http_server
option has been enabled in the main Service configuration section, this option registers a new endpoint where internal metrics of the storage layer can be consumed.
Default: Off
storage.path (string, optional)
Set an optional location in the file system to store streams and chunks of data. If this parameter is not set, Input plugins can only use in-memory buffering.
storage.sync (string, optional)
Configure the synchronization mode used to store the data into the file system. It can take the values normal or full.
Default: normal
HealthCheck configuration. Available in Logging operator version 4.4 and later.
hcErrorsCount (int, optional)
The error count to meet the unhealthy requirement, this is a sum for all output plugins in a defined HC_Period.
Default: 5
hcPeriod (int, optional)
The time period (in seconds) to count the error and retry failure data point.
Default: 60
hcRetryFailureCount (int, optional)
The retry failure count to meet the unhealthy requirement, this is a sum for all output plugins in a defined HC_Period
Default: 5
HotReload configuration
image (ImageSpec, optional)
resources (corev1.ResourceRequirements, optional)
InputTail defines FluentbitAgent tail input configuration The tail input plugin allows to monitor one or several text files. It has a similar behavior like tail -f shell command.
Buffer_Chunk_Size (string, optional)
Set the buffer size for HTTP client when reading responses from Kubernetes API server. The value must be according to the Unit Size specification.
Default: 32k
Buffer_Max_Size (string, optional)
Set the limit of the buffer size per monitored file. When a buffer needs to be increased (e.g: very long lines), this value is used to restrict how much the memory buffer can grow. If reading a file exceed this limit, the file is removed from the monitored file list. The value must be according to the Unit Size specification.
Default: Buffer_Chunk_Size
DB (*string, optional)
Specify the database file to keep track of monitored files and offsets.
DB.journal_mode (string, optional)
sets the journal mode for databases (WAL). Enabling WAL provides higher performance. Note that WAL is not compatible with shared network file systems.
Default: WAL
DB.locking (*bool, optional)
Specify that the database will be accessed only by Fluent Bit. Enabling this feature helps to increase performance when accessing the database but it restrict any external tool to query the content.
Default: true
DB_Sync (string, optional)
Set a default synchronization (I/O) method. Values: Extra, Full, Normal, Off. This flag affects how the internal SQLite engine do synchronization to disk, for more details about each option please refer to this section.
Default: Full
Docker_Mode (string, optional)
If enabled, the plugin will recombine split Docker log lines before passing them to any parser as configured above. This mode cannot be used at the same time as Multiline.
Default: Off
Docker_Mode_Flush (string, optional)
Wait period time in seconds to flush queued unfinished split lines.
Default: 4
Docker_Mode_Parser (string, optional)
Specify an optional parser for the first line of the docker multiline mode.
Exclude_Path (string, optional)
Set one or multiple shell patterns separated by commas to exclude files matching a certain criteria, e.g: exclude_path=.gz,.zip
Ignore_Older (string, optional)
Ignores files that have been last modified before this time in seconds. Supports m,h,d (minutes, hours,days) syntax. Default behavior is to read all specified files.
Key (string, optional)
When a message is unstructured (no parser applied), it’s appended as a string under the key name log. This option allows to define an alternative name for that key.
Default: log
Mem_Buf_Limit (string, optional)
Set a limit of memory that Tail plugin can use when appending data to the Engine. If the limit is reach, it will be paused; when the data is flushed it resumes.
Multiline (string, optional)
If enabled, the plugin will try to discover multiline messages and use the proper parsers to compose the outgoing messages. Note that when this option is enabled the Parser option is not used.
Default: Off
Multiline_Flush (string, optional)
Wait period time in seconds to process queued multiline messages
Default: 4
multiline.parser ([]string, optional)
Specify one or multiple parser definitions to apply to the content. Part of the new Multiline Core support in 1.8
Default: ""
Parser (string, optional)
Specify the name of a parser to interpret the entry as a structured message.
Parser_Firstline (string, optional)
Name of the parser that machs the beginning of a multiline message. Note that the regular expression defined in the parser must include a group name (named capture)
Parser_N ([]string, optional)
Optional-extra parser to interpret and structure multiline entries. This option can be used to define multiple parsers, e.g: Parser_1 ab1, Parser_2 ab2, Parser_N abN.
Path (string, optional)
Pattern specifying a specific log files or multiple ones through the use of common wildcards.
Path_Key (string, optional)
If enabled, it appends the name of the monitored file as part of the record. The value assigned becomes the key in the map.
Read_From_Head (bool, optional)
For new discovered files on start (without a database offset/position), read the content from the head of the file, not tail.
Refresh_Interval (string, optional)
The interval of refreshing the list of watched files in seconds.
Default: 60
Rotate_Wait (string, optional)
Specify the number of extra time in seconds to monitor a file once is rotated in case some pending data is flushed.
Default: 5
Skip_Long_Lines (string, optional)
When a monitored file reach it buffer capacity due to a very long line (Buffer_Max_Size), the default behavior is to stop monitoring that file. Skip_Long_Lines alter that behavior and instruct Fluent Bit to skip long lines and continue processing other lines that fits into the buffer size.
Default: Off
storage.pause_on_chunks_overlimit (string, optional)
Specifies whether to pause or drop data when the buffer is full. This helps to make sure we apply backpressure on the input if enabled, see https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/administration/backpressure
Default: on
storage.type (string, optional)
Specify the buffering mechanism to use. It can be memory or filesystem.
Default: memory
Tag (string, optional)
Set a tag (with regex-extract fields) that will be placed on lines read.
Tag_Regex (string, optional)
Set a regex to extract fields from the file.
FilterKubernetes Fluent Bit Kubernetes Filter allows to enrich your log files with Kubernetes metadata.
Annotations (string, optional)
Include Kubernetes resource annotations in the extra metadata.
Default: On
Buffer_Size (string, optional)
Set the buffer size for HTTP client when reading responses from Kubernetes API server. The value must be according to the Unit Size specification. A value of 0 results in no limit, and the buffer will expand as-needed. Note that if pod specifications exceed the buffer limit, the API response will be discarded when retrieving metadata, and some kubernetes metadata will fail to be injected to the logs. If this value is empty we will set it “0”.
Default: “0”
Cache_Use_Docker_Id (string, optional)
When enabled, metadata will be fetched from K8s when docker_id is changed.
Default: Off
DNS_Retries (string, optional)
DNS lookup retries N times until the network start working
Default: 6
DNS_Wait_Time (string, optional)
DNS lookup interval between network status checks
Default: 30
Dummy_Meta (string, optional)
If set, use dummy-meta data (for test/dev purposes)
Default: Off
K8S-Logging.Exclude (string, optional)
Allow Kubernetes Pods to exclude their logs from the log processor (read more about it in Kubernetes Annotations section).
Default: On
K8S-Logging.Parser (string, optional)
Allow Kubernetes Pods to suggest a pre-defined Parser (read more about it in Kubernetes Annotations section)
Default: Off
Keep_Log (string, optional)
When Keep_Log is disabled, the log field is removed from the incoming message once it has been successfully merged (Merge_Log must be enabled as well).
Default: On
Kube_CA_File (string, optional)
CA certificate file (default:/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt)
Default: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
Kube_CA_Path (string, optional)
Absolute path to scan for certificate files
Kube_Meta_Cache_TTL (string, optional)
Configurable TTL for K8s cached metadata. By default, it is set to 0 which means TTL for cache entries is disabled and cache entries are evicted at random when capacity is reached. In order to enable this option, you should set the number to a time interval. For example, set this value to 60 or 60s and cache entries which have been created more than 60s will be evicted.
Default: 0
Kube_meta_preload_cache_dir (string, optional)
If set, Kubernetes meta-data can be cached/pre-loaded from files in JSON format in this directory, named as namespace-pod.meta
Kube_Tag_Prefix (string, optional)
When the source records comes from Tail input plugin, this option allows to specify what’s the prefix used in Tail configuration. (default:kube.var.log.containers.)
Default: kubernetes.var.log.containers
Kube_Token_File (string, optional)
Token file (default:/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token)
Default: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
Kube_Token_TTL (string, optional)
Token TTL configurable ’time to live’ for the K8s token. By default, it is set to 600 seconds. After this time, the token is reloaded from Kube_Token_File or the Kube_Token_Command. (default:“600”)
Default: 600
Kube_URL (string, optional)
API Server end-point.
Default: https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
Kubelet_Port (string, optional)
kubelet port using for HTTP request, this only works when Use_Kubelet set to On
Default: 10250
Labels (string, optional)
Include Kubernetes resource labels in the extra metadata.
Default: On
Match (string, optional)
Match filtered records (default:kube.*)
Default: kubernetes.*
Merge_Log (string, optional)
When enabled, it checks if the log field content is a JSON string map, if so, it append the map fields as part of the log structure. (default:Off)
Default: On
Merge_Log_Key (string, optional)
When Merge_Log is enabled, the filter tries to assume the log field from the incoming message is a JSON string message and make a structured representation of it at the same level of the log field in the map. Now if Merge_Log_Key is set (a string name), all the new structured fields taken from the original log content are inserted under the new key.
Merge_Log_Trim (string, optional)
When Merge_Log is enabled, trim (remove possible \n or \r) field values.
Default: On
Merge_Parser (string, optional)
Optional parser name to specify how to parse the data contained in the log key. Recommended use is for developers or testing only.
namespace_annotations (string, optional)
Include Kubernetes namespace annotations on every record
kube_meta_namespace_cache_ttl (string, optional)
Configurable TTL for K8s cached namespace metadata. (15m)
namespace_labels (string, optional)
Include Kubernetes namespace labels on every record
Default: On
Regex_Parser (string, optional)
Set an alternative Parser to process record Tag and extract pod_name, namespace_name, container_name and docker_id. The parser must be registered in a parsers file (refer to parser filter-kube-test as an example).
tls.debug (string, optional)
Debug level between 0 (nothing) and 4 (every detail).
Default: -1
tls.verify (string, optional)
When enabled, turns on certificate validation when connecting to the Kubernetes API server.
Default: On
Use_Journal (string, optional)
When enabled, the filter reads logs coming in Journald format.
Default: Off
Use_Kubelet (string, optional)
This is an optional feature flag to get metadata information from kubelet instead of calling Kube Server API to enhance the log.
Default: Off
FilterAws The AWS Filter Enriches logs with AWS Metadata.
az (*bool, optional)
The availability zone (default:true).
Default: true
account_id (*bool, optional)
The account ID for current EC2 instance. (default:false)
Default: false
ami_id (*bool, optional)
The EC2 instance image id. (default:false)
Default: false
ec2_instance_id (*bool, optional)
The EC2 instance ID. (default:true)
Default: true
ec2_instance_type (*bool, optional)
The EC2 instance type. (default:false)
Default: false
hostname (*bool, optional)
The hostname for current EC2 instance. (default:false)
Default: false
imds_version (string, optional)
Specify which version of the instance metadata service to use. Valid values are ‘v1’ or ‘v2’ (default).
Default: v2
Match (string, optional)
Match filtered records (default:*)
Default: *
private_ip (*bool, optional)
The EC2 instance private ip. (default:false)
Default: false
vpc_id (*bool, optional)
The VPC ID for current EC2 instance. (default:false)
Default: false
FilterModify The Modify Filter plugin allows you to change records using rules and conditions.
conditions ([]FilterModifyCondition, optional)
FluentbitAgent Filter Modification Condition
rules ([]FilterModifyRule, optional)
FluentbitAgent Filter Modification Rule
FilterModifyRule The Modify Filter plugin allows you to change records using rules and conditions.
Add (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Add a key/value pair with key KEY and value VALUE if KEY does not exist
Copy (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Copy a key/value pair with key KEY to COPIED_KEY if KEY exists AND COPIED_KEY does not exist
Hard_copy (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Copy a key/value pair with key KEY to COPIED_KEY if KEY exists. If COPIED_KEY already exists, this field is overwritten
Hard_rename (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Rename a key/value pair with key KEY to RENAMED_KEY if KEY exists. If RENAMED_KEY already exists, this field is overwritten
Remove (*FilterKey, optional)
Remove a key/value pair with key KEY if it exists
Remove_regex (*FilterKey, optional)
Remove all key/value pairs with key matching regexp KEY
Remove_wildcard (*FilterKey, optional)
Remove all key/value pairs with key matching wildcard KEY
Rename (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Rename a key/value pair with key KEY to RENAMED_KEY if KEY exists AND RENAMED_KEY does not exist
Set (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Add a key/value pair with key KEY and value VALUE. If KEY already exists, this field is overwritten
FilterModifyCondition The Modify Filter plugin allows you to change records using rules and conditions.
A_key_matches (*FilterKey, optional)
Is true if a key matches regex KEY
Key_does_not_exist (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Is true if KEY does not exist
Key_exists (*FilterKey, optional)
Is true if KEY exists
Key_value_does_not_equal (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Is true if KEY exists and its value is not VALUE
Key_value_does_not_match (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Is true if key KEY exists and its value does not match VALUE
Key_value_equals (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Is true if KEY exists and its value is VALUE
Key_value_matches (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Is true if key KEY exists and its value matches VALUE
Matching_keys_do_not_have_matching_values (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Is true if all keys matching KEY have values that do not match VALUE
Matching_keys_have_matching_values (*FilterKeyValue, optional)
Is true if all keys matching KEY have values that match VALUE
No_key_matches (*FilterKey, optional)
Is true if no key matches regex KEY
Operation Doc stub
Key (string, optional)
Op (string, optional)
Value (string, optional)
key (string, optional)
key (string, optional)
value (string, optional)
VolumeMount defines source and destination folders of a hostPath type pod mount
destination (string, required)
Destination Folder
readOnly (*bool, optional)
Mount Mode
source (string, required)
Source folder
ForwardOptions defines custom forward output plugin options, see https://docs.fluentbit.io/manual/pipeline/outputs/forward
Require_ack_response (bool, optional)
Retry_Limit (string, optional)
Send_options (bool, optional)
storage.total_limit_size (string, optional)
Limit the maximum number of Chunks in the filesystem for the current output logical destination.
Tag (string, optional)
Time_as_Integer (bool, optional)
Workers (*int, optional)
Available in Logging operator version 4.4 and later. Enables dedicated thread(s) for this output. Default value (2) is set since version 1.8.13. For previous versions is 0.