Syslog Output
Fluentd output plugin for remote syslog with RFC5424 headers logs.
allow_self_signed_cert (*bool, optional)
allow_self_signed_cert for mutual tls
Default: false
buffer (*Buffer, optional)
client_cert_path (*secret.Secret, optional)
file path for private_key_path
enable_system_cert_store (*bool, optional)
cert_store to set ca_certificate for ssl context
format (*FormatRfc5424, optional)
fqdn (string, optional)
Default: “nil”
host (string, required)
Destination host address
insecure (*bool, optional)
skip ssl validation
Default: false
port (int, optional)
Destination host port
Default: “514”
private_key_passphrase (*secret.Secret, optional)
PrivateKeyPassphrase for private key
Default: “nil”
private_key_path (*secret.Secret, optional)
file path for private_key_path
slow_flush_log_threshold (string, optional)
The threshold for chunk flush performance check. Parameter type is float, not time, default: 20.0 (seconds) If chunk flush takes longer time than this threshold, fluentd logs warning message and increases metric fluentd_output_status_slow_flush_count.
transport (string, optional)
Transport Protocol
Default: “tls”
trusted_ca_path (*secret.Secret, optional)
file path to ca to trust
verify_fqdn (*bool, optional)
Default: nil
version (string, optional)
TLS Version
Default: “TLSv1_2”
Example File
output configurations
Fluentd config result: