

SyslogNGSpec defines the desired state of SyslogNG

bufferVolumeMetrics (*BufferMetrics, optional)

bufferVolumeMetricsImage (*BasicImageSpec, optional)

bufferVolumeMetricsLivenessProbe (*corev1.Probe, optional)

bufferVolumeMetricsResources (corev1.ResourceRequirements, optional)

bufferVolumeMetricsService (*typeoverride.Service, optional)

configCheck (*ConfigCheck, optional)

Overrides the default logging level configCheck setup. This field is not used directly, just copied over the field in the logging resource if defined.

configCheckPod (*typeoverride.PodSpec, optional)

configReloadImage (*BasicImageSpec, optional)

globalOptions (*GlobalOptions, optional)

jsonKeyDelim (string, optional)

jsonKeyPrefix (string, optional)

logIWSize (int, optional)

maxConnections (int, optional)

Available in Logging operator version 4.5 and later. Set the maximum number of connections for the source. For details, see documentation of the AxoSyslog syslog-ng distribution.

metrics (*Metrics, optional)

metricsExporterImage (*BasicImageSpec, optional)

metricsService (*typeoverride.Service, optional)

readinessDefaultCheck (ReadinessDefaultCheck, optional)

serviceAccount (*typeoverride.ServiceAccount, optional)

service (*typeoverride.Service, optional)

skipRBACCreate (bool, optional)

sourceDateParser (*SourceDateParser, optional)

Available in Logging operator version 4.5 and later. Parses date automatically from the timestamp registered by the container runtime. Note: jsonKeyPrefix and jsonKeyDelim are respected.

sourceMetrics ([]filter.MetricsProbe, optional)

Available in Logging operator version 4.5 and later. Create custom log metrics for sources and outputs.

statefulSet (*typeoverride.StatefulSet, optional)

syslogNGImage (*BasicImageSpec, optional)

tls (SyslogNGTLS, optional)


Available in Logging operator version 4.5 and later.

Parses date automatically from the timestamp registered by the container runtime. Note: jsonKeyPrefix and jsonKeyDelim are respected. It is disabled by default, but if enabled, then the default settings parse the timestamp written by the container runtime and parsed by Fluent Bit using the cri or the docker parser.

format (*string, optional)

Default: “%FT%T.%f%z”

template (*string, optional)

Default(depending on JSONKeyPrefix): “${json.time}”


SyslogNGTLS defines the TLS configs

enabled (bool, required)

secretName (string, optional)

sharedKey (string, optional)


log_level (*string, optional)

See the AxoSyslog Core documentation.

stats (*Stats, optional)

See the AxoSyslog Core documentation.

stats_freq (*int, optional)

Deprecated. Use stats/freq from 4.1+

stats_level (*int, optional)

Deprecated. Use stats/level from 4.1+


freq (*int, optional)

level (*int, optional)