Troubleshooting Fluentd
The following sections help you troubleshoot the Fluentd statefulset component of the Logging operator.
Check Fluentd pod status (statefulset)
Verify that the Fluentd statefulset is available using the following command: kubectl get statefulsets
Expected output:
logging-demo-fluentd 1/1 1m
The Logging operator has a builtin mechanism that validates the generated fluentd configuration before applying it to fluentd. You should be able to see the configcheck pod and its log output. The result of the check is written into the status
field of the corresponding Logging
In case the operator is stuck in an error state caused by a failed configcheck, restore the previous configuration by modifying or removing the invalid resources to the point where the configcheck pod is finally able to complete successfully.
Check Fluentd configuration
Use the following command to display the configuration of Fluentd:
kubectl get secret logging-demo-fluentd-app -o jsonpath="{.data['fluentd\.conf']}" | base64 --decode
The output should be similar to the following:
@type forward
@id main_forward
port 24240
<transport tls>
ca_path /fluentd/tls/ca.crt
cert_path /fluentd/tls/tls.crt
client_cert_auth true
private_key_path /fluentd/tls/tls.key
version TLSv1_2
self_hostname fluentd
shared_key Kamk2_SukuWenk
<match **>
@type label_router
@id main_label_router
@label @427b3e18f3a3bc3f37643c54e9fc960b
namespace logging
<label @427b3e18f3a3bc3f37643c54e9fc960b>
<match kubernetes.**>
@type tag_normaliser
@id logging-demo-flow_0_tag_normaliser
format ${namespace_name}.${pod_name}.${container_name}
<filter **>
@type parser
@id logging-demo-flow_1_parser
key_name log
remove_key_name_field true
reserve_data true
@type nginx
<match **>
@type s3
@id logging_logging-demo-flow_logging-demo-output-minio_s3
aws_key_id WVKblQelkDTSKTn4aaef
aws_sec_key LAmjIah4MTKTM3XGrDxuD2dTLLmysVHvZrtxpzK6
force_path_style true
path logs/${tag}/%Y/%m/%d/
s3_bucket demo
s3_endpoint http://logging-demo-minio.logging.svc.cluster.local:9000
s3_region test_region
<buffer tag,time>
@type file
path /buffers/logging_logging-demo-flow_logging-demo-output-minio_s3.*.buffer
retry_forever true
timekey 10s
timekey_use_utc true
timekey_wait 0s
Set Fluentd log Level
Use the following command to change the log level of Fluentd.
kubectl edit logging-demo
logLevel: debug
Get Fluentd logs
The following command displays the logs of the Fluentd container.
kubectl exec -it logging-demo-fluentd-0 cat /fluentd/log/out
Tip: If the logs include the
error="can't create buffer file ...
error message, Fluentd can’t create the buffer file at the specified location. This can mean for example that the disk is full, the filesystem is read-only, or some other permission error. Check the buffer-related settings of your Fluentd configuration.
Set stdout as an output
You can use an stdout filter at any point in the flow to dump the log messages to the stdout of the Fluentd container. For example:
kubectl edit logging-demo
kind: Flow
name: exchange
namespace: logging
- stdout: {}
- exchange
application: exchange
Check the buffer path in the fluentd container
kubectl exec -it logging-demo-fluentd-0 ls /buffers
Defaulting container name to fluentd.
Use 'kubectl describe pod/logging-demo-fluentd-0 -n logging' to see all of the containers in this pod.
Getting Support
If you encounter any problems that the documentation does not address, file an issue or talk to us on Discord or Slack.
Commercial support is also available for the Logging operator.
Before asking for help, prepare the following information to make troubleshooting faster:
- Logging operator version
- kubernetes version
- helm/chart version (if you installed the Logging operator with helm)
- Logging operator logs
- fluentd configuration
- fluentd logs
- fluentbit configuration
- fluentbit logs
Do not forget to remove any sensitive information (for example, passwords and private keys) before sharing.