
Parser Filter


Parses a string field in event records and mutates its event record with the parsed result.



key_name (string, optional)

Specify field name in the record to parse. If you leave empty the Container Runtime default will be used.

Default: -

reserve_time (bool, optional)

Keep original event time in parsed result.

Default: -

reserve_data (bool, optional)

Keep original key-value pair in parsed result.

Default: -

remove_key_name_field (bool, optional)

Remove key_name field when parsing is succeeded

Default: -

replace_invalid_sequence (bool, optional)

If true, invalid string is replaced with safe characters and re-parse it.

Default: -

inject_key_prefix (string, optional)

Store parsed values with specified key name prefix.

Default: -

hash_value_field (string, optional)

Store parsed values as a hash value in a field.

Default: -

emit_invalid_record_to_error (*bool, optional)

Emit invalid record to @ERROR label. Invalid cases are: key not exist, format is not matched, unexpected error

Default: -

parse (ParseSection, optional)

Parse Section

Default: -

parsers ([]ParseSection, optional)

Deprecated, use parse instead

Default: -

Parse Section

type (string, optional)

Parse type: apache2, apache_error, nginx, syslog, csv, tsv, ltsv, json, multiline, none, logfmt, grok, multiline_grok

Default: -

expression (string, optional)

Regexp expression to evaluate

Default: -

time_key (string, optional)

Specify time field for event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, current time is used.

Default: -

keys (string, optional)

Names for fields on each line. (seperated by coma)

Default: -

null_value_pattern (string, optional)

Specify null value pattern.

Default: -

null_empty_string (bool, optional)

If true, empty string field is replaced with nil

Default: -

estimate_current_event (bool, optional)

If true, use time) as a timestamp when time_key is specified.

Default: -

keep_time_key (bool, optional)

If true, keep time field in the record.

Default: -

types (string, optional)

Types casting the fields to proper types example: field1:type, field2:type

Default: -

time_format (string, optional)

Process value using specified format. This is available only when time_type is string

Default: -

time_type (string, optional)

Parse/format value according to this type available values: float, unixtime, string

Default: string

local_time (bool, optional)

Ff true, use local time. Otherwise, UTC is used. This is exclusive with utc.

Default: true

utc (bool, optional)

If true, use UTC. Otherwise, local time is used. This is exclusive with localtime

Default: false

timezone (string, optional)

Use specified timezone. one can parse/format the time value in the specified timezone.

Default: nil

format (string, optional)

Only available when using type: multi_format

Default: -

format_firstline (string, optional)

Only available when using type: multi_format

Default: -

delimiter (string, optional)

Only available when using type: ltsv

Default: “\t”

delimiter_pattern (string, optional)

Only available when using type: ltsv

Default: -

label_delimiter (string, optional)

Only available when using type: ltsv

Default: “:”

multiline ([]string, optional)

The multiline parser plugin parses multiline logs.

Default: -

patterns ([]SingleParseSection, optional)

Only available when using type: multi_format Parse Section

Default: -

grok_pattern (string, optional)

Only available when using type: grok, multiline_grok. The pattern of grok. You cannot specify multiple grok pattern with this.

Default: -

custom_pattern_path (*secret.Secret, optional)

Only available when using type: grok, multiline_grok. File that includes custom grok patterns.

Default: -

grok_failure_key (string, optional)

Only available when using type: grok, multiline_grok. The key has grok failure reason.

Default: -

grok_name_key (string, optional)

Only available when using type: grok, multiline_grok. The key name to store grok section’s name.

Default: -

multiline_start_regexp (string, optional)

Only available when using type: multiline_grok The regexp to match beginning of multiline.

Default: -

grok_patterns ([]GrokSection, optional)

Only available when using type: grok, multiline_grok. Grok Section Specify grok pattern series set.

Default: -

Parse Section (single)

type (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-type}

Parse type: apache2, apache_error, nginx, syslog, csv, tsv, ltsv, json, multiline, none, logfmt, grok, multiline_grok

Default: -

expression (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-expression}

Regexp expression to evaluate

Default: -

time_key (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-time_key}

Specify time field for event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, current time is used.

Default: -

null_value_pattern (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-null_value_pattern}

Specify null value pattern.

Default: -

null_empty_string (bool, optional) {#parse section-(single)-null_empty_string}

If true, empty string field is replaced with nil

Default: -

estimate_current_event (bool, optional) {#parse section-(single)-estimate_current_event}

If true, use time) as a timestamp when time_key is specified.

Default: -

keep_time_key (bool, optional) {#parse section-(single)-keep_time_key}

If true, keep time field in the record.

Default: -

types (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-types}

Types casting the fields to proper types example: field1:type, field2:type

Default: -

time_format (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-time_format}

Process value using specified format. This is available only when time_type is string

Default: -

time_type (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-time_type}

Parse/format value according to this type available values: float, unixtime, string

Default: string

local_time (bool, optional) {#parse section-(single)-local_time}

Ff true, use local time. Otherwise, UTC is used. This is exclusive with utc.

Default: true

utc (bool, optional) {#parse section-(single)-utc}

If true, use UTC. Otherwise, local time is used. This is exclusive with localtime

Default: false

timezone (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-timezone}

Use specified timezone. one can parse/format the time value in the specified timezone.

Default: nil

format (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-format}

Only available when using type: multi_format

Default: -

grok_pattern (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-grok_pattern}

Only available when using format: grok, multiline_grok. The pattern of grok. You cannot specify multiple grok pattern with this.

Default: -

custom_pattern_path (*secret.Secret, optional) {#parse section-(single)-custom_pattern_path}

Only available when using format: grok, multiline_grok. File that includes custom grok patterns.

Default: -

grok_failure_key (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-grok_failure_key}

Only available when using format: grok, multiline_grok. The key has grok failure reason.

Default: -

grok_name_key (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-grok_name_key}

Only available when using format: grok, multiline_grok. The key name to store grok section’s name.

Default: -

multiline_start_regexp (string, optional) {#parse section-(single)-multiline_start_regexp}

Only available when using format: multiline_grok The regexp to match beginning of multiline.

Default: -

grok_patterns ([]GrokSection, optional) {#parse section-(single)-grok_patterns}

Only available when using format: grok, multiline_grok. Grok Section Specify grok pattern series set.

Default: -

Grok Section

name (string, optional)

The name of grok section.

Default: -

pattern (string, required)

The pattern of grok.

Default: -

keep_time_key (bool, optional)

If true, keep time field in the record.

Default: -

time_key (string, optional)

Specify time field for event time. If the event doesn’t have this field, current time is used.

Default: time

time_format (string, optional)

Process value using specified format. This is available only when time_type is string.

Default: -

timezone (string, optional)

Use specified timezone. one can parse/format the time value in the specified timezone.

Default: -

Example Parser filter configurations

kind: Flow
 name: demo-flow
   - parser:
       remove_key_name_field: true
       reserve_data: true
         type: multi_format
         - format: nginx
         - format: regexp
           expression: /foo/
         - format: none
 selectors: {}
   - demo-output

Fluentd Config Result

<filter **>
 @type parser
 @id test_parser
 key_name message
 remove_key_name_field true
 reserve_data true
   @type multi_format
     format nginx
     expression /foo/
     format regexp
     format none