Amazon CloudWatch
CloudWatch output plugin for Fluentd
This plugin has been designed to output logs or metrics to Amazon CloudWatch. More info at
Example output configurations
name: logging-s3
key: awsAccessKeyId
name: logging-s3
key: awsSecretAccessKey
log_group_name: operator-log-group
log_stream_name: operator-log-stream
region: us-east-1
auto_create_stream true
timekey: 30s
timekey_wait: 30s
timekey_use_utc: true
Output Config
auto_create_stream (bool, optional)
Create log group and stream automatically.
Default: false
aws_key_id (*secret.Secret, optional)
AWS access key id Secret
Default: -
aws_sec_key (*secret.Secret, optional)
AWS secret key. Secret
Default: -
aws_instance_profile_credentials_retries (int, optional)
Instance Profile Credentials call retries
Default: nil
aws_use_sts (bool, optional)
Enable AssumeRoleCredentials to authenticate, rather than the default credential hierarchy. See ‘Cross-Account Operation’ below for more detail.
Default: -
aws_sts_role_arn (string, optional)
The role ARN to assume when using cross-account sts authentication
Default: -
aws_sts_session_name (string, optional)
The session name to use with sts authentication
Default: ‘fluentd’
concurrency (int, optional)
Use to set the number of threads pushing data to CloudWatch.
Default: 1
endpoint (string, optional)
Use this parameter to connect to the local API endpoint (for testing)
Default: -
http_proxy (string, optional)
Use to set an optional HTTP proxy
Default: -
include_time_key (bool, optional)
Include time key as part of the log entry
Default: UTC
json_handler (string, optional)
Name of the library to be used to handle JSON data. For now, supported libraries are json (default) and yajl
Default: -
localtime (bool, optional)
Use localtime timezone for include_time_key output (overrides UTC default)
Default: -
log_group_aws_tags (string, optional)
Set a hash with keys and values to tag the log group resource
Default: -
log_group_aws_tags_key (string, optional)
Specified field of records as AWS tags for the log group
Default: -
log_group_name (string, optional)
Name of log group to store logs
Default: -
log_group_name_key (string, optional)
Specified field of records as log group name
Default: -
log_rejected_request (string, optional)
Output rejected_log_events_info request log.
Default: false
log_stream_name (string, optional)
Name of log stream to store logs
Default: -
log_stream_name_key (string, optional)
Specified field of records as log stream name
Default: -
max_events_per_batch (int, optional)
Maximum number of events to send at once
Default: 10000
max_message_length (int, optional)
Maximum length of the message
Default: -
message_keys (string, optional)
Keys to send messages as events
Default: -
put_log_events_disable_retry_limit (bool, optional)
If true, put_log_events_retry_limit will be ignored
Default: -
put_log_events_retry_limit (int, optional)
Maximum count of retry (if exceeding this, the events will be discarded)
Default: -
put_log_events_retry_wait (string, optional)
Time before retrying PutLogEvents (retry interval increases exponentially like put_log_events_retry_wait * (2 ^ retry_count))
Default: -
region (string, required)
AWS Region
Default: -
remove_log_group_aws_tags_key (string, optional)
Remove field specified by log_group_aws_tags_key
Default: -
remove_log_group_name_key (string, optional)
Remove field specified by log_group_name_key
Default: -
remove_log_stream_name_key (string, optional)
Remove field specified by log_stream_name_key
Default: -
remove_retention_in_days (string, optional)
Remove field specified by retention_in_days
Default: -
retention_in_days (string, optional)
Use to set the expiry time for log group when created with auto_create_stream. (default to no expiry)
Default: -
retention_in_days_key (string, optional)
Use specified field of records as retention period
Default: -
use_tag_as_group (bool, optional)
Use tag as a group name
Default: -
use_tag_as_stream (bool, optional)
Use tag as a stream name
Default: -
buffer (*Buffer, optional)
Default: -
slow_flush_log_threshold (string, optional)
The threshold for chunk flush performance check. Parameter type is float, not time, default: 20.0 (seconds) If chunk flush takes longer time than this threshold, fluentd logs warning message and increases metric fluentd_output_status_slow_flush_count.
Default: -
format (*Format, optional)
Default: -