

hash_id_key (string, optional)

You can specify generated hash storing key.

Default: -

include_tag_in_seed (bool, optional)

You can specify to use tag for hash generation seed.

Default: -

include_time_in_seed (bool, optional)

You can specify to use time for hash generation seed.

Default: -

use_record_as_seed (bool, optional)

You can specify to use record in events for hash generation seed. This parameter should be used with record_keys parameter in practice.

Default: -

record_keys (string, optional)

You can specify keys which are record in events for hash generation seed. This parameter should be used with use_record_as_seed parameter in practice.

Default: -

use_entire_record (bool, optional)

You can specify to use entire record in events for hash generation seed.

Default: -

separator (string, optional)

You can specify separator charactor to creating seed for hash generation.

Default: -

hash_type (string, optional)

You can specify hash algorithm. Support algorithms md5, sha1, sha256, sha512. Default: sha1

Default: -