LogDNA Output
This plugin has been designed to output logs to LogDNA. Example Deployment: Transport Nginx Access Logs into LogDNA with Logging Operator
Send your logs to LogDNA
api_key (string, required)
LogDNA Api key
Default: -
hostname (string, required)
Default: -
app (string, optional)
Application name
Default: -
tags (string, optional)
Comma-Separated List of Tags, Optional
Default: -
request_timeout (string, optional)
HTTPS POST Request Timeout, Optional. Supports s and ms Suffices
Default: 30 s
ingester_domain (string, optional)
Custom Ingester URL, Optional
Default: https://logs.logdna.com
ingester_endpoint (string, optional)
Custom Ingester Endpoint, Optional
Default: /logs/ingest
buffer (*Buffer, optional)
Default: -
slow_flush_log_threshold (string, optional)
The threshold for chunk flush performance check. Parameter type is float, not time, default: 20.0 (seconds) If chunk flush takes longer time than this threshold, fluentd logs warning message and increases metric fluentd_output_status_slow_flush_count.
Default: -
Example LogDNA
filter configurations
apiVersion: logging.banzaicloud.io/v1beta1
kind: Output
name: logdna-output-sample
api_key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
hostname: logging-operator
app: my-app
tags: web,dev
ingester_domain https://logs.logdna.com
ingester_endpoint /logs/ingest
Fluentd Config Result
<match **>
@type logdna
@id test_logdna
api_key xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy
app my-app
hostname logging-operator
Last modified July 24, 2023: Merge pull request #167 from kube-logging/link-fixes-230714 (1dda279)